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How to gather live data of a vehicle through the Navigator?

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2023 2:35 pm
by Bernd Welter
Hi Sebastian,

a partner just asked me:
We want to gather data from the Navigator app and forward it to the ERP, e.g.
  • current vehicle position
  • driven distance within a given timeframe (e.g. a day)
What are the required API calls?
What about
  • Rest API?
  • Authentication?
  • Data model
  • Test environment
  • Requirements for PROD and for the vehicle?
Can you assist us?


Re: How to gather live data of a vehicle through the Navigator?

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 11:55 am
by SebastianSchlichting
We provide an API that runs local on the Android device.
So the communication takes place between Android app and PTV Navigator.

The documentation can be found here (for PTV Navigator G1/G2)

We also provide a test application with source code to ease the implementation and provide examples.