Expectation findToursForUnscheduledOrder
Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 10:16 am
Hi there,
one of my partners uses the xtour1.findTOursForUnscheduledOrder function which is designed for a quick determinati9on of potential insertion positions of a single unscheduled order into given tours:
one of my partners uses the xtour1.findTOursForUnscheduledOrder function which is designed for a quick determinati9on of potential insertion positions of a single unscheduled order into given tours:
Finds the best matching tours for an unscheduled transport order. The method generates a number of scenarios to support order insertion decisions on client side. All necessary objects (transport orders including the unscheduled one, depots, vehicles, tours) are imported in this method. As a result of the method a list of possible insertion proposals ordered by costs is exported.
- His scenario deals with two vehicles which are both planned for TUE and WED.
- When he calls the find-function for "the tuesdays" he gets one potential insertion
Code: Select all
<ns4:InsertOrderProposal departureTime="1674553162" arrivalTime="1674551962" endServiceTime="1674553162" startServiceTime="1674551962" insertTourDrivingPeriod="858" insertTourPeriod="1016" insertTourDistance="9384" insertCost="24.454577777777775" chainPositionChanged="false" vehicleChanged="false"> <ns4:insertInstruction chainPosition="1" trainId="0" trailerId="0" truckId="2" positionNumber="6" tourId="2" orderId="1"/>
- When he calls the find-function for "the wednesdays" he gets one potential insertion
Code: Select all
<ns4:InsertOrderProposal departureTime="1674652309" arrivalTime="1674651109" endServiceTime="1674652309" startServiceTime="1674651109" insertTourDrivingPeriod="0" insertTourPeriod="1200" insertTourDistance="8" insertCost="26.668266666666664" chainPositionChanged="false" vehicleChanged="false"> <ns4:insertInstruction chainPosition="1" trainId="0" trailerId="0" truckId="2" positionNumber="16" tourId="2" orderId="1"/>
- His conclusion is: if I send all the vehicles and both days I'd expect to get the 2 insertions which I proved to be possible with the previous calls"
- Unfortunately he get's ony a single insertion:
Code: Select all
<ns4:InsertOrderProposal departureTime="1674553162" arrivalTime="1674551962" endServiceTime="1674553162" startServiceTime="1674551962" insertTourDrivingPeriod="858" insertTourPeriod="1016" insertTourDistance="9384" insertCost="24.454577777777775" chainPositionChanged="false" vehicleChanged="false"> <ns4:insertInstruction chainPosition="1" trainId="0" trailerId="0" truckId="4" positionNumber="6" tourId="4" orderId="1"/>
- Is the assumption correct, that the superpositioning of the constraints should lead to the suportpositioning of the results?
- What error's could we have made when dealing with this approach?
- Could it be that violations raise by adding the superpositioning of constraints - violations which do not apply in the daily plannings?