What is the difference between these documents ?

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What is the difference between these documents ?

Post by Rich »

Hello !

I wanted to know what the difference was between these 2 documents:

https://xserver2-dashboard.cloud.ptvgro ... route.html
https://xtour-eu-n.cloud.ptvgroup.com/m ... ation.html

They look very similar, is it possible to use both with the same authentication token?

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Bernd Welter
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Re: What is the difference between these documents ?

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hello Rich,

first feedback: one document belongs to API xServer2 (released in 2016) while the second one refers to API xServer 1 (200x).

Another difference is the speciality of the module you refer to: xRoute versus xTour...
- xRoute determines the best route through a given and unchanged sequence of stops.
- xTour changes the sequence of stops to optimize KPIs or even assigns stops to different vehicles (tour optimization)

Technically spoken it is possible to use a single token for different environments - please get in touch with your assigned technical contact at PTV to discuss your usage scenario.

Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

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