Performance MultipleTravelTimesConsideration
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:12 am
these days a partner compared the calculation times of distance matrices within xDIma1 and xDima2. Here's some important feedback about this - related to MultipleTravelTimesConsideration:
these days a partner compared the calculation times of distance matrices within xDIma1 and xDima2. Here's some important feedback about this - related to MultipleTravelTimesConsideration:
- As the usecase is supposed to consider Break- and Restrules (aka WorkingHours) we needed to apply the MultipleTravelTimesConsideration.
- This limits us to a maximum planning horizon of 24hours.
- Try to apply HighPerformanceRouting if possible (on premise only)
- Try to simplify the calculation by applying one or even several of the following strategies:
- Reduce the scope of the DIMA dalculation: use geographic restrictions such as "reduction to continent" (allowedCountries={"ZZ_EUR"}), reduction to some countries (allowedCountries={"DE","AT","CH"} or even a small rectrangle (customBounds) - you can apply these in the Creation of the HPR and also in the calculation of the Dima.
- Be aware that applying too many geographic filters could cause side effects, e.g. the intersection of RECT (area around Berlin) and COUNTRIES (DE,CH,AT) could lead to "waypoints not reachable" which has a negative impact onb performance AND output quality.
- If your planning horizon's span is less than 24 hours (e.g. 06:00-18:00) you could also reduce the HPR/DIMA's MultipleTravelTimesConsideration interval to this.