Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 10:05 am
HI guys,
could you comment on this? A partner recently made some tests with HBEFA and here's what he encountered (summarized by me):
could you comment on this? A partner recently made some tests with HBEFA and here's what he encountered (summarized by me):
I tried your recommendation with CNG and in fact I received emissions >0. The issue was caused by the profile of 12.5t truck:But why 12t? - I did some research and found this article on hbefa.net:
- Looks like HBEFA 4 is required (with previous versions we get emissions==0).
- The total weight is supposed to be less equal than 12t. Exceeding this value also returns "emissions==0".
Sounds like there's no detailed specification in the data. But on the other hand the article does not mention a limitation to 12t.
- "In addition, alternative drivetrains for HGV newly introduced in HBFEA 4.1 (e.g. BEV, CNG, PHEV) are not differentiated by the same detailed size classes as conventional trucks, but only by 3 size classes for rigid trucks and one size class for TT/AT."
- HGV = HGV: Heavy goods vehicles {= general term for trucks, truck trailers (TT) and articulated trucks (AT)}