What are potential values for the REROUTEATTRACTIONFACTOR?

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Bernd Welter
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What are potential values for the REROUTEATTRACTIONFACTOR?

Post by Bernd Welter »

A customer of mine spotted the REROUTEATTRACTIONFACTOR in a BCR file. Looks like we missed to document that switch in the API docs. But here's the comment live from the source code:
values [0,100] in percent of cost per segment of the original route to influence the attraction to this route.
So 0 is very attractive, while 100 restores the regular behaviour without attraction
You can compare the meaning of this parameter with the xRoute1 ExceptionPath:
First we compute a base route.
Then we use the base route as exception path for the continuous re-routings considering the REROUTEATTRACTIONFACTOR.

Update 26.7.2021:
With the SDK you can set the native value of the attraction parameter as mentioned above.
But: in the Navigator application's BCR file itself you can only set some meta values:
  • -1 : do not consider
  • 0 : strong
  • 1 : normal
  • 2 : weak
which whill be matched to STRONG=0 , NORMAL=30, WEAK=70
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

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I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning... :twisted:
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