Tipp: how to animate a MapPolygon object?
Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 9:28 am
Hi there,
in the recent weeks I used some of my self-developed clients which are based on the xServer.NET control.
Some parties saw that I animate the MapPolygon objects and they asked me how to achieve this.
sample - click to see the animation Well - here's what you'd have to do (I assume that you already know how to display a static polygon and just want to add the animation) :
Best regards,
in the recent weeks I used some of my self-developed clients which are based on the xServer.NET control.
Some parties saw that I animate the MapPolygon objects and they asked me how to achieve this.
sample - click to see the animation Well - here's what you'd have to do (I assume that you already know how to display a static polygon and just want to add the animation) :
- Include required namespaces System.Windows.Media and System.Windows.Media.Animation
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using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
- Define global objects of type System.Windows.Media.Animation.Storyboard and System.Windows.Media.Animation.DoubleAnimation
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DoubleAnimation animation = new DoubleAnimation() { From = 4, To = 0, Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1500), FillBehavior = FillBehavior.HoldEnd, RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever }; Storyboard storyboard = new Storyboard();
- Constructor Form(): Add the animation to the storyboard
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storyboard.Children.Add(animation); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(animation, new System.Windows.PropertyPath("(Line.StrokeDashOffset)"));
- Later in the source when you build the objects: Create the polygon object and set some of the properties which are needed for the animation:
- how to create a proper point collection in xServer2
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Polyline polyline = (Polyline)response.polyline.plain; System.Windows.Point[] arrPoints = polyline.polyline.Select(p => new System.Windows.Point(p.x, p.y)).ToArray(); PointCollection pc = new System.Windows.Media.PointCollection(arrPoints);
- how to create a proper point collection in Developer (using Newtonsoft and Net Topology Suite)
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JsonSerializer serializer = GeoJsonSerializer.Create(); JsonTextReader jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(routeResponse.Polyline)); NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Geometry geometry = serializer.Deserialize<NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Geometry>(jsonReader); System.Windows.Point[] arrPoints = geometry.Coordinates.Select(p => new System.Windows.Point(p.X, p.Y)).ToArray(); PointCollection pc = new PointCollection(arrPoints);
- and use the point collection
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// now use the point collection MapPolyline mp = new MapPolyline() { Points = pc, MapStrokeThickness = LINEWIDTH, Stroke = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Blue, Opacity = 0.5, ScaleFactor = 0.1, StrokeLineJoin = PenLineJoin.Round, StrokeStartLineCap = PenLineCap.Round, StrokeEndLineCap = PenLineCap.Round, StrokeDashCap = PenLineCap.Triangle, StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection { 2, 2 }, IsHitTestVisible = false, ToolTip = "Route" };
- Connect the polygon object to the storyboard's animation and start the animation:
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Storyboard.SetTarget(animation, mp); storyboard.Begin();
Best regards,