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Combination of working hours and time dependent dima?

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 7:21 am
by KGaarmann
Hi Bernd,

We want to perform a tour optimization based on a time dependent distance matrix which also considers the drivers working hours / break- and rest rules. Our request fails with the following error message:
ParameterConflictFault: /PlanToursRequest/planToursOptions/restrictions/workingHours/@workingTimeDirective:EU_2002_15_EC with /PlanToursRequest/distanceMode/@id:created without MultipleTravelTimesConsideration
In the documentation we read that we need a Multiple Travel Times Distance Matrix Which requires xDima and then the distance mode “ExistingDistanceMatrix” (initially we used DirectDistance).
How do we have to change our request to be successful? Is this possible with the current version of the API?


Re: Combination of working hors and time dependent dima?

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 4:29 pm
by Bernd Welter
Hello Kevin,

first of all the xTour should be able to consider a MultipleTravelTimesDima (DistanceMode) under some specific circumstances: if no Break- and rest rule is applied:
DistanceMode : Contains settings that specify how distances are retrieved for tour planning. These settings apply to all vehicles in the request. When using direct distance the driven distances are estimated with a detour factor of 1.38 and for the duration a speed of 60 km/h is assumed. Time dependent and non time dependent distance matrices must not be used together in a request. If time dependent distance matrices are used, no driving time regulation must be set.
So at least the first part of your requirement is possible but requires the following steps:
  • compute a distance matrix through xDima.createDistanceMatrix and retrieve the DimaID
  • set DistanceMode in the planToursRequest to "ExistingDistanceMatrix" and use the DimaID from above
Maybe you can send your request to me via email ( for an analysis?

Best regards,