Performance issues with XLocate 2

deals with geocoding and reverse geocoding in the context of PTV Geocoding&Places, PTV Geocoding&Places OSM and PTV xLocate 1 and 2
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Performance issues with XLocate 2

Post by lk-tis »


we have a performance problem with the XLocate 2 API
We have a list of ~1000 addresses that we are geocoding for testing, and PTV2 performs significantly worse than PTV1.

The average time needed for an address is ~200ms for version 1 and 1 second (970ms) for version 2.

We noticed that version 2 returns much more results than version 1 (about 10 times as many). We suspect that one factor of the performance problem lies there.

How can we improve the performance of version 2? Is it possible to limit the maximum number of results?
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Bernd Welter
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Re: Performance issues with XLocate 2

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hello Lennart,

I will forward this topic to DEV right away.

Can you give us some details about the structure of the data?
Did you already try to apply the SearchOption "allowedCountries" which has been invented in 2.17? ... rchOptions

It will probably have a positive impact on performance (I caldulated a batch of several thousand addresses this week and by using this parameter I was able to reduce the processing time to 25% ;-) )

Best regards,
Bernd Welter
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Bernd Welter
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Re: Performance issues with XLocate 2

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hello Lennart (and others),

I just received 1000 addresses for multifield search and applied them with/without the search option "allowed countries". The difference in the performance is significant - which is no surprise becaue all the addresses beloing to switzerland which covers a very small region of the world:

  • xLocate 2 without allowedCountries: 176 seconds ( 100% )
  • xLocate 2 with allowedCountries={"CH"}: 27 seconds ( 15% )

Use this search option whenever possible!

Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

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I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning... :twisted:
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