Gather estim. driving polygon after Drive&Arrive's triggered

Deals with the web service platform called Drive&Arrive that enables you and your stakeholders to stay up2date with the current transport's estimated time of arrival (ETA)
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Bernd Welter
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Gather estim. driving polygon after Drive&Arrive's triggered

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hi there,

one of my counterparts is interested in the routing polygon that is logically applied when Drive&Arrive has computed a new ETA internally and triggers the subscription. As far as I know neither the drivers current position is available for the consumers of the latest ETA nor is the polygon.
Is this corect?

So the player wants to create a standard routing call (current xy to next destinations xy) towards the PTV xServer Internet. Is it possible to use an equal parameter set? What would he have to consider to be as close to the internal route as possible?
At least it makes sense to consider PTV_TrafficIncidents (and further data layers such as PTV_SpeedPatterns)):

Code: Select all

<featureLayerProfile><themes id="PTV_TrafficIncidents" enabled="true" />
Best regards,
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

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Re: Gather estim. driving polygon after Drive&Arrive's trigg

Post by Michael.Hubschneider »

Hi Bernd,
Routing with Drive&Arrive is a bit more complicated, as it combines drive&rest times optimization and traffic incident-based optimization of the route.

Anyhow, if you only want the polygon you will get quite similar results using calculateExtendedRoute from API 1 of xServers, with the standard profiles and an additional parameter AVOID_TOLLROADS=20 for a slight avoidance of toll roads.
When it comes to Featurelayers, best ist to use all the nice Featurelayers you can get

Best regards
Michael Hubschneider
Senior Product Manager Navigation Products
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