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Matching forbidden roads...

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 1:34 pm
by Bernd Welter
Hi there,

a customer just provided a case where he wondered about the quality of a matching result. His overall input is a (sparse) sequence of GPS coordinates he sends to xMapMatch and the ourput is then forwarded to xRoute for a reconstruction of a route.
The situation is:
Left image: input coordinates (more or less) ;-)<br />Right image: reconstructed track performing a detour
Left image: input coordinates (more or less) ;-)
Right image: reconstructed track performing a detour
This behaviour is caused by the considerBlockedSegments profile parameter
The consideration of blocking information. Blocking information is used during map matching for blocked streets/roads and for one-way streets. Only those roads which are allowed to be driven on in the respective direction are considered.
The section with the GPS coordinates is blocked for the used vehicle and therefore the detour occurs.
By setting the parameter to FALSE the track follows the road as expected!

PS: the region in this case is the B31 near the Bodensee. This road has been opened recently and was closed in older maps (2019.1T).

Please be aware that this isn't a generic solution for this scenario. Take your time to understand the impact and to decide whether you want it to be true or false.

Best regards,