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Two dependent orders at one stop

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 1:26 pm
by jbrand

we are using xTour2 and we have the following problem.

We are planning tours for beverage specialized wholesalers in Germany. They have orders where they deliver beverages from the depot to the customer and take back empty packaging to the depot.

Such orders have three quantity-dependend times. One for pickup the beverages at the depot-site, one for delivery at the customer site and additionaly one to unload the empty packaging at the end of the trip at the depot-site.

In xTour2 we don't have such type of order so I map this to one OrderWithAlternativePickupDepots for the transport of the beverages and one OrderWithAlternativeDeliveryDepots for the empty packaging.

This works fine but I also have the restriction, that both orders have to be processed at one stop at the customer site.
And her it becomes difficult. I tested orderGroupConsideration and one group-id for each pair of these orders but oneTripPerGroup can only be activated if oneGroupPerTrip is also activated and this dosn't help.

How can I tell xTour2 this restriction?

Best Regards

Re: Two dependent orders at one stop

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 1:59 pm
by Bernd Welter
Hello Jens,

from my perspective there's no link between orders such as
- take care of the "order 2" after you fullfiled "order 1" (e.g. build the wall, then put the wallpaper on it ;-) )

I will forward the challenge to DEV to get a recommendation how to approach this scenario.
(treated as XS-3453: xT2 plans deliveries and pick-ups for the same customer site in the same stop: expected for 2.17)

Best regards,

PS: Sidenote: do you know in advance how many empty bins you have to collect?