Linking section angle, WaypointDesc heading not working

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Linking section angle, WaypointDesc heading not working

Post by HaliFeri »

Dear Forum Members,

We would like to use the WaypointDesc heading parameter to control the choosing of the road side.
But we could not manage to do it, we have set the heading to a valid degree (110, 290), but it had no effect on the linking.
We are using the default mg-truck-40t profile and LinkType.NEXT_SEGMENT for the WayPointDesc.

We have some truck coordinates on the wrong side of a highway and we thought that the heading helps us to correct it.
We tested the function by choosing two simple (a 2 x 1 lane) road, but it has no effect on the routing, the xroute has planned only in one direction.

Please give as an advice how to use the heading properly, and what kind of linking mechanism it can handle.

Thank you,
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Bernd Welter
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Re: Linking section angle, WaypointDesc heading not working

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hello Ferenc,

I forwarded this thread to our developers - currently some of them are on summer holiday, therefore it might take some days to get an answer.

Regards Bernd
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Bernd Welter
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Re: Linking section angle, WaypointDesc heading not working

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hello Ferenc,

after receiving some comments from Andreas I made some tests. My plot:
  • xRoute :
  • the profile: mg-truck-40t
  • map: EuropeCityMapPremium-2013.1aN
  • plot: some coordinates near a german highway in suboptimal locations
    the waypoints near the highway
    the waypoints near the highway
The used profile mg-truck-40t uses the property headingTolerance="45.0" which is not set in the default profile.
With this setting the waypoints heading in my samples is used:

Sample 1:
start 190, destination 120
start 190, destination 120
Sample 2:
start 30, destination 300
start 30, destination 300
As you can see the link to the street segment of a waypoint has positive or negative impact as desired.

Does this answer the question?

Regards Bernd
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