Traffic Patterns - “normal arrival time” and “expected delay

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Traffic Patterns - “normal arrival time” and “expected delay

Post by OliverK »

we want to use the traffic patterns with our route calculation.
Is ist possible to get the “normal arrival time” ( time without traffic patterns) if the traffic patterns are acitve?
Or do I have to calculate the route two times - with and without traffic patterns to get the delay compared to the standard route calculation?
Thanks Oli
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Re: Traffic Patterns - “normal arrival time” and “expected d

Post by Joost »

yes, this is possible if you use calculateRoute or calculateExtendedRoute.

You need to request for the dynamicinfo by enabling it in the ResultListOptions. In the response you get on the route object then a dynamicinfo object which contains the information you are looking for.

Api doc about dymanicInfo: ... ynamicInfo
Joost Claessen
Senior Technical Consultant
PTV Benelux
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Re: Traffic Patterns - “normal arrival time” and “expected d

Post by OliverK »

Thanks !
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