Field Matchings xLocate1 to xLocate2 / Dev

deals with geocoding and reverse geocoding in the context of PTV Geocoding&Places, PTV Geocoding&Places OSM and PTV xLocate 1 and 2
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Bernd Welter
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Field Matchings xLocate1 to xLocate2 / Dev

Post by Bernd Welter »

From generic level I'd describe all the geocoding services mainly as
  • Input is an address given in a valid style alternative:
    • Single string
    • Structured address
    • Geoposition (so-called reverse geocoding)
  • Output: a list of "hits" where each one comes with
    • structured address fields such as country, city, postcode,...
    • coordinates representing the geoposition
    • various "quality" statements that are supposed to enable clients to
      • decide whether a "hit" is valid input for the upcoming steps (automated process)
      • decide which hit fits the upcoming process in the best way
As we get asked for this more and more often here comes another fancy mapping table:
xLocate 1 xLocate 2 / Geocoding API location[]
country country
state state
n.a. province
postCode postalCode
city city
city2 district
n.a. subdistrict
street street
houseNumber houseNumber
n.a. address.formattedAddress
adminRegion n.a.
appendix n.a.
countryCapital n.a.
totalScore location.quality.totalScore
detailLevelDescription location.locationType
classificationDescription n.a.
coordinates.y location.referencePosition.latitude
coordinates.x location.referencePosition.longitude
n.a. location.roadAccessPosition.latitude
n.a. location.roadAccessPosition.longitude
Scores of the individual address fields
n.a. location.quality.addressScores.state
n.a. location.quality.addressScores.province
n.a. location.quality.addressScores.postalCode
n.a. location.quality.addressScores.district
n.a. location.quality.addressScores.subDistrict
n.a. location.quality.addressScores.street
n.a. location.quality.addressScores.houseNumber
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

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Re: Field Matchings xLocate1 to xLocate2 / Dev

Post by bocajo »

Geocoding API is more or less the same as for xLocate 2. You can find the "Geocoding & Places API Reference" here: ... sByAddress
Jochen Anderer
Manager Engineer
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