xServer 2.33 released

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Bernd Welter
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Posts: 2664
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xServer 2.33 released

Post by Bernd Welter »

We proudly present: Release of PTV xServer 2.33.0 (complete Release Notes below!)
The PTV xServer 2.33 is released! Besides several improvements and bugfixes (including the vulnerability update of GeoTools) we provide these main features:
  • xData
    • Searching for combined transports like ferries or trains by text (experimental)
    • Providing additional combined transport information like duration or start and destination location
  • xDima
    • Modifying multiple travel times distance matrices with generic parameters
  • xRoute
    • Providing an updated version of the ISO 14083 emission calculation
    • Using breaks and rests during service times on waypoints or during the time on combined transports
  • xTour
    • Modifying the service times of all orders carried out at a site with a factor
  • Please note that there were no changes in the PTV Content Update Service and 2.32 is the current version.

The on-premise solution can be found at the Customer Area (login required)
The cloud solution PTV xServer internet will be updated according to this plan:
  • 30.07.24: Productive system hosted in Europe
  • 31.07.24: Productive system hosted in US
  • 01.08.24: Productive system hosted in Australia
Release Notes xServer 2.33.0
  • general
    1. Improvement: The performance when receiving large responses in the Raw Request Runner is improved.
    2. Improvement: Updated several third-party components.
    3. Bugfix: Avoid logging of asynchronous start requests when they are successful and only exceptional or fatal logging is enabled (see property 'core.logging.logRequests' in the xServer configuration file).
  • xcluster
    1. Bugfix: Fixed crash when using visit planning together with improving the daily workload balance and some days have no visits.
  • xdata
    1. Feature: Added REST operation 'getCombinedTransportsByText' to search for combined transports by text. Please note that this is experimental.
    2. Feature: Added support for additional combined transport information by providing fields like duration or locations in the type 'CombinedTransportAttributes'.
    3. Bugfix: Return the 'country' in the type 'SegmentDescriptors' also for combined transports.
    4. Bugfix: Fixed bug in the operation 'startCreateHighPerformanceRoutingNetwork' when folders were manually deleted.
  • xdima
    1. Feature: Added field 'parameters' to the type 'MultipleTravelTimesConsideration' to modify the impact of the time-consideration scenario 'MultipleTravelTimesConsideration' by using generic parameters provided by PTV. Please note that this is experimental.
    2. Improvement: The performance of the distance matrix calculation using high-performance routing is improved in particular for rectangle matrices.
    3. Bugfix: Gates involving closed roads and one-way roads could be violated in both directions and routes were found.
    4. Bugfix: Fixed crash when matching tracks close to borders of US states.
  • xroute
    1. Feature: Added field 'factorsVersion' to the type 'EmissionValueScenario_ISO14083_2023' to control the different versions of the ISO 14083 emission calculation offering updated factors.
    2. Feature: Added field 'useServiceTimeForRecreation' to the type 'TourStopOptions' to use the service time on a waypoint for breaks and rests when using working hours.
    3. Feature: Added field 'useTimeOnCombinedTransportForRecreation' to the type 'TourRestrictions' to use the time on combined transports for breaks and rests when using working hours.
    4. Feature: Added support for additional combined transport information by providing fields like duration or locations in the type 'CombinedTransportAttributes'.
    5. Improvement: When the values of the field 'minimumDistancesFromWaypoint' are too low to find a route, they are automatically adjusted.
    6. Improvement: The quality of the operations 'calculateReachableAreas' and 'calculateReachableLocations' is improved when the nearest segment to the waypoints and locations may not be used by the vehicle.
    7. Bugfix: Return the 'country' in the type 'SegmentDescriptors' also for combined transports.
    8. Bugfix: Gates involving closed roads and one-way roads could be violated in both directions and routes were found.
    9. Bugfix: The missing tour events of type 'SERVICE' in some rare cases are returned.
    10. Bugfix: The result limitation 'ElevationsNotAvailableLimitation' is returned for missing elevations in HBEFA emission calculation and no longer for using ferries.
    11. Bugfix: Exceptions with fault 'RouteNotFoundFault' and 'WaypointNotLinkableFault' return the more appropriate HTTP status code 400 instead of 500.
    12. Bugfix: Time spent on a combined transport is considered as waiting, break or rest time and no longer as driving time.
    13. Bugfix: Fixed crash when the first and last waypoint is located on the same coordinates and within the radius of a manipulate route waypoint.
  • xtour
    1. Feature: Added field 'serviceTimeFactorForOrders' to the type 'DepotSite' to modify the service times of all orders carried out at the site.
    2. Bugfix: When searching for insertion positions of unplanned orders, the field 'preferencesRespected' of the type 'ChangeToursProposal' is set correctly.
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

Bernd at... The Forum,LinkedIn, Youtube, StackOverflow
I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning... :twisted:
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