reality check: tools in use for picking load

Provides new usecase implemented in 2014/2015: Loading Space Optimization. Within PTV Developer this is called the Loading Space Optimization API
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Bernd Welter
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reality check: tools in use for picking load

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hi there,

as a watcher in this forum you are probably familiar with the story behind loading space optimization and you know pictures such as this one:
Now this time I have a question to you:
  • How do drivers in reality pick the freight into the containers / bins? Do they use tools such as Virtual Reality Googles?
  • How is the data determined by the Loading Space Algorithm forwarded to the user so he can fullfill the transformation from theoretical positions in the grid to practical positions in the 3D space?
  • Does your solution provide support for such processes? If so: can you show examples?
Would be great to learn about this...

Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

Bernd at... The Forum,LinkedIn, Youtube, StackOverflow
I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning... :twisted:
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