Overlapping street numbers of feature layers

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Overlapping street numbers of feature layers

Post by infpro_mi »


we are using the Winforms .NET map control to visualize four different layers:
  • 1) Background
    2) Labels
    3) PTV_TrafficIncidents
    4) PTV_TruckAttributes
But the feature layers PTV_TrafficIncidents and PTV_TruckAttributes contain street numbers and these street numbers overlap with the label layer. Please see the attached image.

How can we hide the street numbers within the feature layers PTV_TrafficIncidents and PTV_TruckAttributes.

The following rendering and OverlappingResolution settings do not work:

Code: Select all

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='us-ascii'?><Profile xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'><Common language='de' majorVersion='1' minorVersion='0' /><FeatureLayer majorVersion='1' minorVersion='0'><GlobalSettings enableTimeDependency='true' /><Themes><Theme id='PTV_TrafficIncidents' enabled='true' priorityLevel='0' /><Theme id='PTV_TruckAttributes' enabled='true' priorityLevel='0' /><Theme id='PTV_RestrictionZones' priorityLevel='0' /><Theme id='PTV_SpeedPatterns' priorityLevel='0' /></Themes></FeatureLayer><Rendering majorVersion='1' minorVersion='0'><Country id='*'><Theme id='PTV_TrafficIncidents'><OverlappingResolution scope='ALL_THEMES' forceDisplay='false' /></Theme><Theme id='PTV_TruckAttributes'><OverlappingResolution scope='ALL_THEMES' forceDisplay='false' /></Theme><Theme id='PTV_RestrictionZones'><OverlappingResolution scope='ALL_THEMES' forceDisplay='false' /></Theme><Theme id='PTV_SpeedPatterns'><OverlappingResolution scope='ALL_THEMES' forceDisplay='false' /></Theme></Country></Rendering></Profile>
Overlapping street numbers
Overlapping street numbers
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Oliver Heilig
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Re: Overlapping street numbers of feature layers

Post by Oliver Heilig »


that’s a good question, and not easy to explain.

With the „old“ technology the TruckAttributes and Incidents were handled as separate client-overlay that contained only these objects. This is not the case with the new FeatureLayer-based Truck-Attributes and Incidents. Here these objects are rendered inside the background- and label layer-bitmap. I don’t think it’s possible to handle them as separate client-overlay. Note that these layers not only contain icons, but also the segments for the truck attribute and incidents rendered into the background. If you look at the new Demo-Center http://xserverinternet.azurewebsites.net/xserver.net/ you see that in the use case the Feature-Layers are a separate “style” but no layer of the control. Take a look at the SDK 1.4 for how it’s implemented.

In theory it is possible to implement some kind of “virtual layer”. I did this with leaflet http://ptv-logistics.github.io/fl-labs/, where the 4 FL-layers can be activated through the Leaflet layer-control, but technically this only changes the FL-Profile for the background and label layer. But that’s not implemented in xServer.NET that way, because this would raise inconsistencies with layer-visibilities and ordering.

Hope that clarifies the issue.


Re: Overlapping street numbers of feature layers

Post by infpro_mi »


thank you very much for this clarification!

So you mean it's currently not supported by the .NET map control to have additional "virtual" layers including the FL TruckAttributes or Traffic Incidents. (like in the attached screenshot)

Currently it's only possible to include the FL TruckAttributes or Traffic Incidents within the labels layer like in the Demo Center?

By the way your leaflet example seems to use the old SMOLayer layer "traffic.ptv-traffic", which is outdated according to the following thread: http://xserver.ptvgroup.com/forum/viewt ... ?f=5&t=205

Virtual TruckAttributes and Traffic Incidents layers
Virtual TruckAttributes and Traffic Incidents layers
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Oliver Heilig
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Re: Overlapping street numbers of feature layers

Post by Oliver Heilig »

The Featuer-Layer Incidents and TruckAttributes are more some kind of map-style rather than a separate layer for the client. The reference implementation is here:
https://svc-eu-n-test.cloud.ptvgroup.co ... ng-leaflet

The Feature-Layer is tightly coupled to the base map, so adding FL-Layers to the Layers-Control for xServer.NET would break consistency, because disabling the labels would also disable the incidents.
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