How to block roads in winter (mountain passes)?

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Bernd Welter
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How to block roads in winter (mountain passes)?

Post by Bernd Welter »

Here's a little description how to block special roads such as mountain passes in wintertime.

xServer 1 - profile based
  • also mentioned in this article by Joost
  • Based on boolean segment attribute "blockedInWinter"
  • XML profile offers an attribute parameter blockedInWinterMalus
  • Advantage: Compareably easy, built-in visualization is possible (render profile supports parameters)
  • Disadvantage: you rely on the data - if a specific object such as a mountain pass isn't properly set in the data you can't use it.
xServer 2 - manual efforts required
  • As of today (August 2022) the routing API in the xServer 2 does not access the data properties.
  • You have to specify the relevant segments on your own via features such as Custom Feature Layer (on premise only) or GeographicRestrictions.prohibitedSegmentsByIntersectingPolylines
  • Advantage: more flexible - if you maintain the geomentries manually you can also add attributes such as "blocked from" and "blocked till" dates. Furthermore you can easily visualize the data - it is yours.
  • Disadvantage: you rely on the rough geometries you have picked.
The screenshots below use the GeographicRestriction. I manually gathered geographies at the entrance of the passes. the blue pins show the position of the "blockings"

:idea: Feel free to provide further relevant sections. Thanks to Beat for the trigger ;-)

Umbrail Pass between Santa Maria and Bormio<br />Linestring(10.429939 46.598977,10.431268 46.599247)<br />Linestring(10.407349 46.516695,10.409299 46.519348)<br />
Umbrail Pass between Santa Maria and Bormio
Linestring(10.429939 46.598977,10.431268 46.599247)
Linestring(10.407349 46.516695,10.409299 46.519348)
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

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Bernd Welter
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Re: How to block roads in winter (mountain passes)?

Post by Bernd Welter »

Just found this image based on 2018 TOMTOM data ;-) Nice coverage!
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

Bernd at... The Forum,LinkedIn, Youtube, StackOverflow
I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning... :twisted:
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Bernd Welter
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Re: How to block roads in winter (mountain passes)?

Post by Bernd Welter »

The routing from Bormio to Zernez. As there are time dependent PTV_TruckAttributes the time consideration has an impact on the geometry. I calculated the routes for 29.7.2024 and 29.01.2024 (windter - blocked)
The routing from Bormio to Zernez. As there are time dependent PTV_TruckAttributes the time consideration has an impact on the geometry. I calculated the routes for 29.7.2024 and 29.01.2024 (windter - blocked)

Code: Select all

  "waypoints": [
      "location": {
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        "considerAlternativeNearByRoadsSpecified": true,
        "sideOfStreetRestrictionSpecified": false
      "tourStopOptions": null,
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      "name": "OnRoadWaypoint[0]"
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        "considerAlternativeNearByRoadsSpecified": true,
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      "vehicleParameters": null,
      "name": "OnRoadWaypoint[1]"
  "routeOptions": {
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Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

Bernd at... The Forum,LinkedIn, Youtube, StackOverflow
I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning... :twisted:
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