Benefits of detailed toll (default toll since v2.22)

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Bernd Welter
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Benefits of detailed toll (default toll since v2.22)

Post by Bernd Welter »


as many of you know we invented the so-called detailed toll in 2020. Since version 2.22 this toll level is returned by default.

We will soon host two webinars dealing with this new feature:
German: 13.4.2021 , 10:00 CET / English: 20.4.2021 , 10:00 CET
In this article I simply want to let you know about the benefits of this new approach. Here are they:
  • You can now store the toll prices in distance matrices. Besides travel time and distance the toll price is the third dimension.
  • It is possible to calculate the cost optimized route including the toll as part of the target function (doesn't work with old standard toll)
  • You can distinguis between different payment methods (which has an impact on the price itself): Cash, Credic Cart, Electronic (number plate recognition, Subscription)
  • We can support various international payment passes (mainly in the US, but also in many European countries, e.g. AT_GOBOX, DE_TOLLCOLLECT...)
  • Toll is more flexible when it comes to time dependency
  • Toll distances are now reflecting the official toll distances (used to be "estimations" in xRoute1)
Any questions about this?
Check the Showcase, the Techical Concept and the Integration Samples!

See you in the webinars,

Bernd Welter
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Max Beermann
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Re: Benefits of detailed toll (default toll since v2.22)

Post by Max Beermann »

Hey there :)
I hope you are all doing fine.

On xServer1, I made requests including tool information like calculatePartTollCosts, tollDate, detailedTollCosts etc.
On xServer2 I currently have some issues finding the right functions. The API-documentation is really good, but sometimes overwhelming (for me).

My question regarding [xServer2 / xRoute / SOAP]:
Do you have a big code-example including a lot of xServer2-options (besides toll > maybe also ExcludeCountry, etc), so I have a "cool" example that I can always lead on?

Thank you very much in advance!
Max Beermann
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Re: Benefits of detailed toll (default toll since v2.22)

Post by Max Beermann »

Hey there:)
I found my needed functions in the API-documentation.
So this is solved now:)

A big code-example including a lot of functions would still be cool.
My thought is that you can copy the code and paste it into RawRequesRunner.
Then you can try a lot of things out and how they affect the routing and/or the response-data.

I think something like that would help a lot of users.
Thanks to all of you.

Best regards
Max Beermann
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Re: Benefits of detailed toll (default toll since v2.22)

Post by Max Beermann »

Hey there again,

so, below my REQUEST for an example-Tour.
The code has been tested with RawRequestRunner [xServer2 / xRoute / SOAP / experimental].

I want to find out,

1. what toll-distance [km] results for each Country.
2. what toll-price [€] results for each toll-type [Road, Vignette, etc].
3. what driving-time [m] and rest-time [m] result.

Does anyone of you see how to change the REQUEST in order to find these information out?
Many thanks in advance:)

REQUEST (DE-Nagold > FR-Paris):

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <request xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns3="" xsi:type="ns3:RouteRequest" scope="globalscope" storedProfile="default" coordinateFormat="EPSG:4326">
        <requestProfile mapLanguage="de" userLanguage="de">
          <vehicleProfile driveType="MOTOR_VEHICLE" numberOfTrailers="1">
            <engine emissionStandardEU="EURO_6"/>
            <weight totalPermittedWeight="40000.0"/>
            <dimensions height="300.0" length="1540.0" width="250.0"/>
            <axle axleLoad="3500.0" numberOfAxles="5"/>
            <legalCondition isDelivery="true"/>
            <load loadType="GOODS"/>
            <speeds maximumSpeed="0.0">
            <themes id="PTV_TruckAttributes" enabled="true"/>
            <themes id="PTV_RestrictionZones" enabled="true"/>
            <course distanceTimeWeighting="80.0">
              <network rampPenalty="0">
              <toll tollPenalty="0"/>
              <specialAreas residentsOnlyPenalty="2500" urbanPenalty="0"/>
              <combinedTransport boatPenalty="0"/>
              <maneuver considerTurningBans="true"/>
        <waypoints xsi:type="ns3:OnRoadWaypoint" name="0">
          <location considerAlternativeNearByRoads="false">
            <coordinate x="8.6742476651" y="48.522445726"/>
        <waypoints xsi:type="ns3:OnRoadWaypoint" name="1">
          <location considerAlternativeNearByRoads="false">
            <coordinate x="2.3413999257" y="48.857170093"/>
        <routeOptions routingType="CONVENTIONAL">
          <timeConsideration xmlns:ns4="" xsi:type="ns4:ExactTimeConsiderationAtStart" referenceTime="2021-05-21T15:40:00"/>
          <polylineOptions elevations="false"/>
          <tollOptions useDetailedToll="true"/>
        <resultFields waypoints="true" nodes="true" polyline="true" emissions="false" report="true" tourReport="true" encodedPath="false" guidedNavigationRoute="false" monetaryCosts="true">
          <legs enabled="true" polyline="false" tollSummary="true" emissions="false"/>
          <segments enabled="true" emissions="false" polyline="false" descriptors="false" roadAttributes="true"/>
          <toll enabled="true" sections="true" />
Best regards
Max Beermann
Max Beermann
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WHEELS Logistics
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Bernd Welter
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Re: Benefits of detailed toll (default toll since v2.22)

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hello Max,

sounds like you are looking for some response elements which are not available so far (v2.22):
- converted costs for toll sections (I expect this for v2.23)
- vignette handling (best case v2.23, but maybe later)

Furthermore it is important to know that the returned officialDistance is not returned for countries where the toll is calculated on estimation (instead of exact toll tables of the providers).
Germany: official distance is gathered from TollCollect data<br />France: distance is estimated based on segment lengths
Germany: official distance is gathered from TollCollect data
France: distance is estimated based on segment lengths
officialDistance.PNG (5.51 KiB) Viewed 12408 times
Distances gathered by segments grouped by toll flag and country
Distances gathered by segments grouped by toll flag and country
segments Distances.PNG (8.5 KiB) Viewed 12408 times
I'll prepare a sample for you. We should at least look how we can close the gap as good as possible.
PS: also found this forum post that deals with this challenge: ... f=7&t=1328

Bernd Welter
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Max Beermann
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Re: Benefits of detailed toll (default toll since v2.22)

Post by Max Beermann »

Hello Bernd,

thanks for your helpful reply. This is what I was looking for. 8-)
For the further toll-information I will then wait for the next versions.

Have a nice day!
Max Beermann
Max Beermann
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WHEELS Logistics
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Bernd Welter
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Re: Benefits of detailed toll (default toll since v2.22)

Post by Bernd Welter »

Here comes an additional benefit of the DETAILED TOLL:

In the year 2023 first European countries such as Germany and Austria started to define the toll tariffs based on new vehicle properties, the CO²Emission Class (value range int=1..5).

As described in this long running thread New toll tarrifs for Germany (dec2023 / july2024) this new approach won't be covered by the BASIC toll approach which is the only toll within xServer1.
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

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