since a few weeks we have the new xTerritory on board. Now the question is: what is it used for?
The answer in short words:
- this is a server that is useful in strategic usecases
- we use it as backend engine in the future version of xServer based Map&Market
- Given is a number of 402 customers spread over Germany
- Furthermore there are 4 existing subsidaries in Hamburg, Berlin, München and Karlsruhe
imagine there are no existing subsidaries but you'd like to create some but you are not sure how many you need and where they should be placed. With planTerritories you can simulate and request possible subsidaries There are several goals (at the same time) that fullfill a perfect planning:
- compactness: the driving times and distances between the locations of a single territory are minimized - the structure is more a circle than a stretched area
- balance: as each customer has a so-called activity (service period, revenue, priority score) territories are balanced if each territory has an equal aggregated sum of activity. usualy there is a range between the deviation (e.g. between 80% and 120%) that limits a solution.
- continuity: a territory should be one single area and not a summary of 2 or more regions
Due to my parametrizing in both scenarios the relative range of activity is between 90% and 110%. Enforcing a small range requires more time - more flexible tolerance might produce faster results. Usecase #2 - distributeLocations :
Now in this usecase we consider the existing territories (four of them) and request to assign the customers to these subsidaries. The number of target territories is therefore the nomber of existing subsidaries. Of course we also enforce the goals continuity, balance and compactness. In the statictics you can see that the names of the territories are the given subsidaries in Hamburg, Berlin, Munich and Karlsruhe. The structure of the output is equal to the planTerritories. But in this usecase the centers of the territories are not computed but the subsidaries
Usecase #3 - changeTerritories:
With this final usecase we merge existing subsidaries with potential new subsidaries. I requested a total number of 7 territories and provided 4 existing subsidaries. This is why the statistics mention the known subsidaries and 3 more proposals. Tip: the proposed territory centers are always based on the customer locations
I hope this screenshots demonstrate the potantial of xTerritory - let me know if you have further questions!
Best regards