Displaying route with toll sections (without recalculating)

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Displaying route with toll sections (without recalculating)

Post by julonska »


today I have tried to display a route based on a LineString array with xMap2. Since this worked fine, I tried to add a layer with the toll information about this route, unfortunately unsuccesful.

Is there any possibility to reconstruct a route which was calculated in the past?
Which data is needed to get a result?

Further, using the JavaScript API and Leaflet:
Is there any possibility to use the WKB instead of a LineString?

Many thanks!

Julian Ulonska
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Bernd Welter
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Re: Displaying route with toll sections (without recalculati

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hello Julian,

let's split the topics because some aspects touch the web clients, others don't.

@Lars: could you please take care of the "Is there any possibility to use the WKB instead of a LineString?" topic?

"Is there any possibility to reconstruct a route which was calculated in the past?
Which data is needed to get a result?
" : I will take care on a one2one base...

Best regards,
Bernd Welter
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PTV Logistics - Germany

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Re: Displaying route with toll sections (without recalculati

Post by LNM_PTV »


the wkb format is not directly supported by the leaflet format.
Before using a wkb format you have to transform it, for exmaple into geoJson. It might be the case, that there are already existing js libraries for that Transformation..
In order to store routes, you have to save the geometry.
If you want to display toll Information related data, you have to save them as well.

Best regards,
Lars Moritz
Technical Consultant
PTV GROUP, Germany
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