Codesample xMap2 with MapControl available?

Within this forum we want to offer discussions all around our .NET based Map control including all .Net-language specific questions concerning calls of the xServer-API. Attention: xServer-relevant concepts can be found in further forums such as xRoute or xTour.
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Bernd Welter
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Codesample xMap2 with MapControl available?

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hello Oli,

a prospect asked me for a codesample about "connecting the xServer.NET control to xMap2".
Where can we find some samples?

Best regards Bernd
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

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Oliver Heilig
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Re: Codesample xMap2 with MapControl available?

Post by Oliver Heilig »


Here's the sample how to use xMapServer(-internet)-2 with xServer.NET.
You can download the sample program
Demo Program
(221.57 KiB) Downloaded 482 times
or get the source code at (XSTwo).

Basic considerations
The sample code uses the xMapServer-2 tile-api with the xServer.NET generic RemoteTiledProvider. There are two basic methods, depending on the application content you want to show on the map. As xMapServer-2 supports zoom-levels up to 22, you should set the option

Code: Select all

    // set the inifinite zoom option to allow high zoom levels for xMap-2
    Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map.GlobalOptions.InfiniteZoom = true;
at the startup of the application.

1. Use xMap2 as single base-map layer

This method just adds the xMap2 as one single base-map layer. It is comparable to the Leaflet sample ... ve_map.htm

Code: Select all

    // center and radius for our map
    var center = new Point(8.4044, 49.01405);

    // the maixum zoom level of the map
    formsMap1.MaxZoom = 22;

    // set the map center to Karlsruhe
    formsMap2.SetMapLocation(center, 16);

    // insert base map layer
    formsMap1.Layers.Add(new TiledLayer("Background")
        TiledProvider = new RemoteTiledProvider
            MinZoom = 0,
            MaxZoom = 22,
            RequestBuilderDelegate = (x, y, z) => string.Format("https://s0{0}{1}/{2}/{3}?storedProfile={4}&xtok={5}",
                "1234"[(x ^ y) % 4], z, x, y, "silkysand", myToken)
        IsBaseMapLayer = true, // set to the basemap category -> cannot be moved on top of overlays
        Icon = ResourceHelper.LoadBitmapFromResource("Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map;component/Resources/Background.png"),
        Caption = MapLocalizer.GetString(MapStringId.Background),
        Copyright = "PTV, TOMTOM"

    // add custom layer
    var myLayer = new ShapeLayer("MyLayer");
    AddCircle(myLayer, center, 435);
2. Add two separate basemap-layers
The second method uses two layers for building up the basemap. Application content can then be rendered in-between these xMap layers. It is comparable to the Leaflet sample ... m_data.htm

Code: Select all

    // center and radius for our map
    var center = new Point(8.4044, 49.01405);

    // the second map instance is initialized with two basemap layers
    formsMap2.MaxZoom = 22;

    // set the map center to Karlsruhe
    formsMap2.SetMapLocation(center, 16);

    // add a base layer with only background and transport
    formsMap2.Layers.Add(new TiledLayer("Background")
        TiledProvider = new RemoteTiledProvider
            MinZoom = 0,
            MaxZoom = 22,
            RequestBuilderDelegate = (x, y, z) => string.Format("https://s0{0}{1}/{2}/{3}?storedProfile={4}&layers=background,transport&xtok={5}",
                "1234"[(x ^ y) % 4], z, x, y, "silkysand", myToken)
        IsBaseMapLayer = true, // set to the basemap category -> cannot be moved on top of overlays
        Icon = ResourceHelper.LoadBitmapFromResource("Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map;component/Resources/Background.png"),
        Caption = MapLocalizer.GetString(MapStringId.Background),
        Copyright = "PTV, TOMTOM"

    // now a custom shape layer in-betwee background and labels
    var myLayer = new ShapeLayer("MyLayer");
    AddCircle(myLayer, center, 435);

    // now add the labels overlay layer
    formsMap2.Layers.Add(new TiledLayer("Labels")
        TiledProvider = new RemoteTiledProvider
            MinZoom = 0,
            MaxZoom = 22,
            RequestBuilderDelegate = (x, y, z) => string.Format("https://s0{0}{1}/{2}/{3}?storedProfile={4}&layers=labels&xtok={5}",
                "1234"[(x ^ y) % 4], z, x, y, "silkysand", myToken)
        Icon = ResourceHelper.LoadBitmapFromResource("Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map;component/Resources/Labels.png"),
        Caption = MapLocalizer.GetString(MapStringId.Labels),
        Copyright = "PTV, TOMTOM"
Oliver Heilig
Chief Developer Logistic Services
PTV GROUP - Germany
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